ASRCT Frequently Asked Questions
- I have uploaded CEUs to my profile, how come no one has updated my total?
Our CEU process has changed! A CSCT CEU Committee is now responsible for auditing all members once a year. It is now every members responsibility to ensure they have 10 CEUs and supporting documents uploaded to their member profile by December 31 of each year. You will only be contacted by the committee if you have NOT met the CEU requirements.
- How do I upload CEUs to my profile?
Step by step instructions can be found on our website under the CEU TAB
- Why can’t I upload any CEU documents to my profile anymore?
If you have not completed the required 30 CEUs from the 2020-2022 triennium, you will not be able to upload to your profile. E-mail your CEU submissions to [email protected] Once you have completed the required 30, your status will be updated and you will be able to start uploading CEUs to your member profile for the current CEU submission period.
- I just wrote the CSCT Exam, how many CEUs am I required to submit?
Passing the CSCT Exam awards you 10 CEUS, new members will have to start uploading CEUS to their profile starting in the next CEU submission period.
- I passed my CSCT Exam, when do I pay dues?
Dues are collected prior to February 1st of each year. You will recieve an invoice 60 days prior.
- I paid my dues, why hasn’t the expiration date on my card updated?
Expiration dates on membership cards will update on February 1st.
- I paid my dues, why does my status still show that I am lapsed?
If you pay your dues on February 1st or after Feburary 1st, we need to mannually update your status. You can either email [email protected] or wait for us to update you.
- I Emailed someone on the ASRCT Board and no one is getting back to me, what is taking so long?
Your ASRCT Board is made up of volunteers, we check our emails in our spare time as often as possible. Sometimes your question might need input from other board members. We will get back to you, please be patient if it is taking some time.